FYI Magazine

Things to do before bringing a new cat home

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Cats and dogs are the two most popular types of pets in the country, and while dogs have been dubbed "man's best friend," cat owners are quite vocal when expressing their love for their feline friends.
Those looking for a cat may not have to look far. The ASPCA says approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year, and roughly 3.4 million of those are cats. An area shelter is an ideal place to find a new pet for those thinking of getting their first cat or adding to the pets already in the household. Cats, can be purchased from pet stores, but they also may be available via friends or family members who have recently welcomed a new litter.
Before bringing your cat home, it is best to make sure you and members of your household are prepared to welcome a furry feline friend into your home.
Cats make wonderful pets. Bringing a new cat home often requires taking certain steps to ensure your furry friend is comfortable in his or her new home.