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Corsage dos and dont's

Flowers and formal events go hand in hand. Both women and men may wear flowers at weddings, graduations and dances.
A corsage is a small bundle of flowers that is pinned to the lapel area of a woman's clothing or tied around her wrist. Some people get creative and wear corsages in their hair or on their ankles.


Prom perfect makeup tips

Prom is a milestone event for many teenagers. Months are spent in preparation for the night of dancing, dinner and reminiscing with classmates and friends.
Guys and girls alike agonize over every decision, from what to wear to whom to take as a date. With so many choices to make, ladies may not give as much thought to their makeup as they do to their gowns or hair styles. But makeup is an important consideration for young ladies on prom night.


Put comfort first at prom

Promgoers put a lot of thought into who they ask to prom, who they will sit with and which festivities they'll engage in when the prom is over.
Much attention is also given to prom attire and prom photos. Formal gowns and tuxedos tend to dominate prom attire, and such clothing can stretch prom budgets. According to a CNN survey of more than 1,000 parents of prom-aged teenagers, families in the Northeastern United States pay an average of $1,500 on prom, while Midwestern American families spend around $700.


College graduation garb explained

College graduates wear some unique and impressive duds for their graduation ceremonies. Caps, gowns, tassels, and hoods all can be seen parading down the center aisle before making proud appearances at diploma presentations.
Graduation clothing, also known as academic dress, dates back to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Clerical garb was standard dress for professors and scholars, as many students during medieval times made certain religious vows in addition to pursuing their educations. Today, faculty, graduates and alumni don such gowns during graduation ceremonies in a nod to tradition.


Should couples match at prom?

Prom season is approaching, leaving teenagers in a rush to find the perfect prom looks. Prom may be the first time many teens are required to wear formal attire, so the process of choosing what to wear come the big night can take time.
Guys attending the prom have a somewhat easier time when choosing a prom ensemble. Unlike the rows upon rows of party dresses and gowns girls have to choose from, gentlemen typically only choose between a suit or a tuxedo. But guys also must decide if they want their jackets and ties to match their dates' attire.