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Various ways you can put pumpkins to use

Few items signal the fall harvest season more than the bright, orange pumpkins that dot fields and liven up displays outside of homes and businesses. Come fall, many pumpkins are turned into grinning jack-o-lanterns just in time for Halloween. But there are many other uses for pumpkins as well.


Highest-grossing horror films perfect for Halloween

Are you a scary movie buff? Do you relish in the building music and the jump-out-of-your-seat moments that unleash from you a primal scream? Many people share a love of scary movies and have made the horror genre one of the most popular.
No month of the year celebrates horror movies more than October. Each October, movie theaters, television stations and viewers count down to Halloween with flick after flick featuring gore, suspense and pure horror.


Safe costumes can prevent Halloween mishaps

Millions of people celebrate Halloween every year. Borrowed or adapted from a few different festivals that once took place in Europe, Halloween has origins in the Roman Feralia festival, the Celtic summer's end festival Samhain, and the Catholic All Saints Day.


Celebrate an eco-friendly Halloween

Candy, costumes and treats may add up to fun on Halloween, but such staples also contribute to an abundance of waste come the end of October. For those who embrace eco-friendly lifestyles, the thought of disposable or single-use Halloween paraphernalia can be even scarier than the costumed creatures going door-to-door.
Those with eco-conscious ideals need not compromise Halloween fun in the name of protecting the planet. They need only make some easy adaptations to some of their favorite Halloween traditions.


Celebrating Halloween at school

Many schools allow children to celebrate Halloween in the classroom. Festivities may include parades, classroom parties or trunk-or-treat fun in the school parking lot.
Creating a safe and festive atmosphere for kids to celebrate Halloween is of the utmost importance for parents and teachers. The following suggestions can help ensure kids enjoy a safe and fun Halloween this year.