FYI Ashland

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What to Do When the Power Goes Out This Winter

Winter might be a wonderland to some, but for those who prefer a warm, sandy beach over a ski slope, winter is no walk in the park.

It's even worse when a winter storm hits and suddenly everything goes dark. Power outages are impossible to predict. When a power outage occurs,


Keep the traditions, but ditch the worn-out décor

The holiday countdown is on and it's time to get your house razzle-dazzle ready. But before you do, make sure to check that your lights and decorations are still in good working order after a year in storage. Not only can old decor look worn out, but it also can put you and your family at risk -- which is the last thing anyone wants at this joyous time of year.


Safety First When Stringing Holiday Lights

Perhaps no holiday tradition is more visible than decorative lights. Whether on the house or on the tree in the front picture window, holiday lights help create a festive mood for all.
While aesthetically appealing, holiday lighting displays can also be quite dangerous. Older lights or poorly planned lighting projects can quickly turn tragic. However, this much beloved holiday tradition does not have to cease and desist. Instead, some simple safety precautions are all it takes to ensure this year's lighting display is both stunning and safe.


Electrical safety tips for holiday decorating

Everyone has at least one -- the house on the street that lights up in splendor around the holiday season. Decorations are in abundance both indoors and out, and just seeing the house brings on a smile. But as beautiful as it might be, that home may also be a safety risk if the decorator hasn't followed precautions like these offered by CSA Group:


Headlights make for safer driving, even during the day

If asked to describe a typical car accident, many people would instantly think of nighttime. But statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicate that less traffic accidents occur at nighttime than daytime, when there are more vehicles on the road and more pedestrians walking around.